Monitoring provides a powerful monitoring facility. All connections can be monitored for different types of common issues that can happen in the queues that are part of the Redis instance associated with a connection.

Monitors that are activated on your connections generate alerts if the monitor detects an issue in any of the queues in the connection.

Alerts are visible from the dashboard and include information regarding the cause of why the alert has been triggered. All triggered alerts send also an email to the owner of the connection.

Currently, we support the following monitor types:

  • Connection monitor

  • Failed jobs monitor

  • Missing workers monitor

Over time we will add more monitor types for other common errors, you are welcome to suggest new monitor types here:

Note that by default the monitors are disabled and must be enabled manually on every connection.

You can access a connection's monitors by clicking on the "edit" icon of your connection:

This will open the connection dialog and you will be able to choose which monitors to activate:

Last updated